Advice on Multiple GHC installations

Marc Weber marco-oweber at
Mon Apr 12 17:41:27 EDT 2010

Excerpts from Bradford Larsen's message of Mon Apr 12 23:28:53 +0200 2010:
> I would like to have several versions of ghc installed simultaneously,
> on the handful of Ubuntu systems I work on.  In the past, I have had
> just a single version of ghc installed on each system, usually the
> most recent stable generic Linux binary installation.
> Three questions:
>   1.  Does there exist an `experimental' apt repository for Ubuntu
> anywhere which packages versions of ghc more recent than 6.8?
>   2.  If I cannot install multiple ghc versions from a different apt
> repository, does anyone have advice for how to work with multiple
> simultaneous installations?  A how-to guide or anything like that?
>   3.  Does having multiple installations break cabal at all?  I'd like
> to be able to use ghc 6.12.* by default, but be able to selectively
> choose an older toolchain for compatibility purposes, bug hunting,
> etc.

Have a look at hack-nix. However only recent ghcs are supported well.
This means you have to install the Nix package manager. (->

Marc Weber

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