Snow Leopard GHC

Barney Stratford barney_stratford at
Wed Sep 23 06:24:20 EDT 2009

I've been trying to get GHC working for x86_64 on Snow Leopard, with a  
certain amount of success, but have got stuck. Maybe one of you could  
point me in the right direction.

I now have a working compiler, but the linker in the runtime system  
seems to be missing some stuff. Specifically, in rts/Linker.c, there  
are references to X86_64_RELOC_UNSIGNED, X86_64_RELOC_SIGNED and so  
on, but it simply barfs when faced with a X86_64_RELOC_SIGNED_1 etc.  
I'd thought it would be a matter of adding a few lines of code, but  
everything I've tried has ended in tears.

Trouble is, none of the documentation mentions X86_64_RELOC_SIGNED_1,  
although it does appear in C headers. It occurs only rarely in source  
examples, and it really isn't clear to me how I should proceed.

Any ideas?


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