Functor <constant>
Serge D. Mechveliani
mechvel at
Wed Sep 9 12:45:52 EDT 2009
I have data DBit = Bit0 | Bit1 deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum)
data BNatural = BNat [DBit] deriving (Eq)
and want to apply things like fmap reverse (bn :: BNatural).
GHC reports an error on this usage of fmap.
It also does not allow
instance Functor BNatural where fmap f (BNat ds) = BNat $ f ds,
-- it reports that a type constructor for Functor must have kind * -> *.
Probaly, GHC agrees with Haskell at this point (?).
Now, I deceive the compiler by declaring instead
newtype BNatAux a = BNat a deriving (Eq)
type BNatural = BNatAux [DBit]
instance Functor BNatAux where fmap f (BNat ds) = BNat $ f ds
So, a parasitic BNatAux is introduced.
I wonder: is there a simpler way to have fmap for BNatural ?
Thank you in advance for advice,
Serge Mechveliani
mechvel at
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