Type checker's expected and inferred types (reformatted)
Philip K.F. Hölzenspies
p.k.f.holzenspies at utwente.nl
Thu Oct 29 04:37:24 EDT 2009
Dear GHCers,
On Wed, 2009-10-28 at 12:14 +0000, John Lato wrote:
> >> This had me confused for a while, but I think I've worked out what's
> >> happening. (+) is polymorphic, ...
> >
> > Oh darn, it sounds like you're right. And polymorphism is so common. I
> > just came up with that example randomly as the first nontrivial
> > type-error-with-a-lambda I could think of...
> I think this is a great example of why the current type errors are not
> as helpful as they could be. The code where the type checker
> determines 'x' has type [a] is several steps removed from where the
> error arises. This is how I understand this process (I've probably
> left out some details):
I am a little ambiguous on this issue; I usually find GHC's type errors
make me realize what I did wrong very quickly, i.e. until I start
messing with combinations of GADTs, type classes and type families. When
I've looked at an error for too long without understanding what's
happening, I usually look for ways to express the same problem in
simpler constructs.
This case has me stumped, though.
> 1. checker infers x :: [a] from 'length x'
> 2. checker infers (3 + x) :: [a] from (+) and step 1
> 3. checker infers the second (+) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a] from step 2
Pardon? Judging from the error GHC gives, you must be right, but isn't
*this* the point where things should go wrong? I'm not too intimately
familiar with the type checker's internals, so this example leads me to
speculate that "normal" types are inferred and checked *before* type
class constraints are evaluated. However, I would have wanted this
Prelude> [1] + [2]
No instance for (Num [t])
arising from a use of `+' at <interactive>:1:0-8
Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Num [t])
In the expression: [1] + [2]
In the definition of `it': it = [1] + [2]
In other words: isn't the problem in this case that the type checker
does not gather all information (no instance of type class Num) to give
the proper error? Is gathering type class information after "normal"
types have already conflicted even possible?
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