STM experiment

Carsten Schultz carsten at
Mon Oct 12 09:30:16 EDT 2009

Luca Ciciriello schrieb:
> Thanks Carsten, I've compiled your example and all works as expected.
> Just a note.
> If I load the module in GHCi (intead of compiling it) and launch main
> function the result is quite strange. I obtain:
> He lwloorld

So we actually observe the concurrency here, nice.

> [(),()]

The result of the computation:  Both instances of hPutStr return (), and
parallel assembles these into [(),()].  The intersesting thing is that
ghci suppresses an IO result if it is of type (), but not otherwise.

Prelude> return () :: IO ()
Prelude> return [(),()] :: IO [()]

I did not know this.


>> module Main(main) where
>> import IO
>> import Control.Concurrent
>> parallel :: [IO a] -> IO [a]
>> parallel = foldr (\a c ->
>> do
>> v <- newEmptyMVar
>> forkIO (a >>= putMVar v)
>> xs <- c
>> x <- takeMVar v
>> return (x:xs))
>> (return [])
>> main = parallel [hPutStr stdout "Hello", hPutStr stdout " world\n"]

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