reallocating buildbots? (Re: mtl and network packages in GHC 6.10.3.*)

Claus Reinke claus.reinke at
Wed May 27 05:21:23 EDT 2009

> Not part of the core libs, so these are slowly disappearing from the
> extralibs bundled shipped with GHC (in favour of the platform bundle).

As the stable/head buildbots (as opposed to stable fast/head fast) are 
becoming less and less useful and cared for in the context of GHC, 
could they perhaps be reallocated to the Haskell Platform effort?

It seems a shame to see these formerly useful donated build slots
lie unused when the HP has no equivalent.
> The 6.10.3 windows installer is due out June 1.

Given that fact, I'm surprised about the lack of activity on the HP list.

But automated nightly snapshots from the buildbots would take some
pressure off platform packagers, would get bugfixes out as they are
done (which was why the buildbots started uploading them when GHC
still came with libraries), and would allow for HP releases to use tested 
snapshots (as well as seeing immediately if GHC patches are going to
affect their release process, allowing them to react early).


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