[Haskell-cafe] A problem with par and modules boundaries...

Daniel Fischer daniel.is.fischer at web.de
Sat May 23 08:35:47 EDT 2009

Am Samstag 23 Mai 2009 13:06:04 schrieb Duncan Coutts:
> On Fri, 2009-05-22 at 16:34 +0200, Daniel Fischer wrote:
> > > 	That's great, thank you. I am still baffled, though.
> I'm baffled too! I don't see the same behaviour at all (see the other
> email).
> > > Must every exported function that uses `par' be INLINEd? Does every
> > > exported caller of such a function need the same treatment?
> It really should not be necessary.
> > > Is `par' really a macro, rather than a function?
> It's a function.
> > As far as I understand, par doesn't guarantee that both arguments are
> > evaluated in parallel, it's just a suggestion to the compiler, and if
> > whatever heuristics the compiler uses say it may be favourable to do
> > it in parallel, it will produce code to calculate it in parallel
> > (given appropriate compile- and run-time flags), otherwise it produces
> > purely sequential code.
> >
> > With parallelize in a separate module, when compiling that, the
> > compiler has no way to see whether parallelizing the computation may
> > be beneficial, so doesn't produce (potentially) parallel code. At the
> > use site, in the other module, it doesn't see the 'par', so has no
> > reason to even consider producing parallel code.
> I don't think this is right. As I understand it, par always creates a
> spark. It has nothing to do with heuristics.

Quite possible.
I was only guessing from the fact that sometimes par evaluates things in parallel and 
sometimes not, plus when thinking what might cause the described behaviour, cross-module 
inlining came to mind, I tried adding an INLINE pragma and it worked - or so it seemed. 
Then I threw together an explanation of the observed behaviour. That explanation must be 
wrong, though, see below.

> Whether the spark actually gets evaluated in parallel depends on the
> runtime system and whether the spark "fizzles" before it gets a chance
> to run. Of course when using the single threaded rts then the sparks are
> never evaluated in parallel. With the threaded rts and given enough
> CPUs, the rts will try to schedule the sparks onto idle CPUs. This
> business of getting sparks running on other CPUs has improved
> significantly since ghc-6.10. The current development version uses a
> better concurrent queue data structure to manage the spark pool. That's
> probably the underlying reason for why the example works well in
> ghc-6.11 but works badly in 6.10. I'm afraid I'm not sure of what
> exactly is going wrong that means it doesn't work well in 6.10.

I have tried with 6.10.3 and 6.10.1,  with parallelize in the same module and in a 
separate module
- with no pragma
- with an INLINE pragma
- with a NOINLINE pragma

6.10.1 did not parallelize in any of these settings
6.10.3 parallelized in all these settings except "separate module, no pragma".

Then I tried a few other settigns with 6.10.3, got parallel evaluation if there's an 
INLINE or a NOINLINE pragma on parallelize, or the module header of Main is 
module Main (main) where,
not if Main exports all top level definitions and parallelize is neither INLINEd nor 


> Generally I'd expect the effect of par to be pretty insensitive to
> inlining. I'm cc'ing the ghc users list so perhaps we'll get some expert
> commentary.

That would be good.

> Duncan


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