Should exhaustiveness testing be on by default?

Claus Reinke claus.reinke at
Wed May 20 11:18:52 EDT 2009

> The second solution requires QuasiQuotes, so I do not know. If I would 
> want to compile with a different compiler it would break. If srcloc can be 
> defined as a simple token (not requiring special extensions at places where 
> it is used) then I could define it to an empty string in some low level module 
> if trying to compile with a different haskell compiler which does not know 
> srcloc.

You can do better than that, if you combine the QuasiQuotes hack with
the CPP hack (I've also simplified the srcloc handling by adding a version
of error that adds source location info, moving the exception manipulation
out into SrcLocQQ, avoiding the need for Debug.Trace alltogether). 

The portable version does get a bit uglier because you need macros, not 
functions (you'll probably want to check for GHC version or -better, but 
not supported- QuasiQuotes availability). Also, CPP only gives you the 
line number, not the position, but that is better than nothing, and often 

Still, it would be much nicer if GHC inserted the location info at the
call sites if a pragma at the definition site asked it to do so. Then this

    {-# SRCLOC f #-}
    f Nothing = "okay"
    f _ = error "f applied to not-Nothing in: "

could be equivalent to the code below, without QuasiQuotes or CPP
or ERRORSRC all over the place. But such niceties are on hold while 
the discussion of even nicer help is ongoing.. (which is partly justified
because we cannot easily build nicer abstractions over a barebones
solution, due to the macro vs function issue, so the design does need
thought). Perhaps the code below is sufficient as an interim workaround.


{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}

#define SRCLOC [$srcloc||]
#define ERRORSRC [$errorSrc||]
#define SRCLOC (show (__FILE__,__LINE__))
#define ERRORSRC (\msg->error $ msg++SRCLOC)

import SrcLocQQ

f errorSrc Nothing = "okay"
f errorSrc _       = errorSrc "f applied to not-Nothing in: "

main = do
  print $ f ERRORSRC Nothing
  print $ f ERRORSRC (Just ())
  print $ SRCLOC

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module SrcLocQQ where
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Control.Exception

srcloc = QuasiQuoter 
  (\_->[| mapException (\(PatternMatchFail fail)->
                          let srcloc = reverse (dropWhile (/=':') (reverse fail))
                          in PatternMatchFail srcloc)
        $ case True of False -> "srcloc" |])
  (error "pattern srclocs not supported")
errorSrc = QuasiQuoter
  (\_->[| \msg->mapException (\(PatternMatchFail fail)->
                                let srcloc = reverse (dropWhile (/=':') (reverse fail))
                                in PatternMatchFail (msg++srcloc)) 
              $ case True of False -> "srcloc" |])
  (error "pattern srclocs not supported")

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