Differences in pattern matching syntax?

Han Joosten j.m.m.joosten at hccnet.nl
Mon Jan 12 16:54:00 EST 2009


I have two alternatives to specify a specific function. They both compile
ok, but the first one crashes (Stack space overflow) while the second one
runs fine. 
I use GHC 6.10.1 on windowsXP

Alternative 1:
   antecedent :: Rule -> Expression
   antecedent r = case r of
                   Ru{} -> if (rrsrt r == AlwaysExpr)  then error ("(Module
ADLdataDef:) illegal call to antecedent of rule "++show r)
rrant r
                   Sg{} -> antecedent (srsig r)
                   Gc{} -> Tm (grspe r)
                   Fr{} -> frcmp r

Alternative 2:
   antecedent :: Rule -> Expression
   antecedent r@(Ru AlwaysExpr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = error ("(Module ADLdef:)
illegal call to antecedent of rule "++show r)
   antecedent  (Ru _ a _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = a
   antecedent  (Sg _ rule _ _ _ _ _)  = antecedent rule
   antecedent  (Gc _ d _ _ _ _ _)     = Tm d
   antecedent  (Fr _ _ e _)           = e

Both alternatives compile, but if i use Alternative 2, then my program runs
fine. If I use Alternative 1 instead, I get a stack space overflow. 

I would think that both alternatives would have the same semantics. So i am
surprised that one runs fine, while the other one crashes. 

Could anyone explain what is going on? 

Han Joosten

Might help, here is the data definition:

   data Rule =
  -- Ru c antc p cons cpu expla sgn nr pn
        Ru { rrsrt :: RuleType          -- ^ One of the following:
                                        --    | Implication if this is an
                                        --    | Equivalence if this is an
                                        --    | AlwaysExpr  if this is an
ALWAYS expression.
           , rrant :: Expression        -- ^ Antecedent
           , rrfps :: FilePos           -- ^ Position in the ADL file
           , rrcon :: Expression        -- ^ Consequent
           , r_cpu :: Expressions       -- ^ This is a list of
subexpressions, which must be computed.
           , rrxpl :: String            -- ^ Explanation
           , rrtyp :: (Concept,Concept) -- ^ Sign of this rule
           , runum :: Int               -- ^ Rule number
           , r_pat :: String            -- ^ Name of pattern in which it was
  -- Sg p rule expla sgn nr pn signal
      | Sg { srfps :: FilePos           -- ^ position in the ADL file
           , srsig :: Rule              -- ^ the rule to be signalled
           , srxpl :: String            -- ^ explanation
           , srtyp :: (Concept,Concept) -- ^ type
           , runum :: Int               -- ^ rule number
           , r_pat :: String            -- ^ name of pattern in which it was
           , srrel :: Declaration       -- ^ the signal relation
  -- Gc p antc cons cpu _ _ _
      | Gc { grfps :: FilePos           -- ^ position in the ADL file
           , grspe :: Morphism          -- ^ specific
           , grgen :: Expression        -- ^ generic
           , r_cpu :: Expressions       -- ^ This is a list of
subexpressions, which must be computed.
           , grtyp :: (Concept,Concept) -- ^ declaration
           , runum :: Int               -- ^ rule number
           , r_pat :: String            -- ^ name of pattern in which it was
  -- Fr t d expr pn  -- represents an automatic computation, such as * or +.
      | Fr { fraut :: AutType           -- ^ the type of automatic
           , frdec :: Declaration       -- ^ where the result is to be
           , frcmp :: Expression        -- ^ expression to be computed
           , frpat :: String            -- ^ name of pattern in which it was

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