Plans for GHC 6.10.2

Simon Peyton-Jones simonpj at
Wed Feb 11 03:42:30 EST 2009

| Ps. It is surprising that performance bugs don't get high
|     priority, now that distractions like extralibs are out of the
|     ghc picture?

Generally we prioritise bugs that appear to be show-stoppers, and/or are on a tier-1 platform.  Having extralibs out of the way is a help, but as you'll see if you follow the link, we typically have a factor of 10 more tickets than we can deal with, at least unless more people join in, an outcome devoutly to be espoused.  I believe that many are minor and could well be done by others -- but each requires reproduction, investigation, design, test case etc.  I wish we could work faster, but there we are.

Of course we want to focus the time we have on the tickets that are most significant to our users.  If there is a particular ticket, performance or otherwise, that is particularly important to you, make sure you add a comment to explain that it's important and why; and add yourself to the cc list.


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