Plans for GHC 6.10.2

Simon Peyton-Jones simonpj at
Tue Feb 10 12:41:49 EST 2009


| While it is possible that we will fix some others, for the 6.10.2
| release we mainly intend to look at the high-priority bugs in the 6.10.2
| milestone. They are listed here:
| &priority=high&priority=highest&milestone=6.10.2&order=priority
| If there is a bug not in that list that is causing you major problems,
| then please let us know.

Better still, if you felt able to help us by actually fixing some of the 65+ other bugs recorded against 6.10.2 that would be fantastic!  Look here

Many are minor, many are probably quick to fix.  What a great way to spend a happy afternoon, get your name in lights, and help your colleagues!


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