Building GHC 6.12 with GHC 6.12 + alex

Antoine Latter aslatter at
Thu Dec 31 15:08:08 EST 2009

On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 1:47 PM, Simon Marlow <marlowsd at> wrote:
> On 31/12/09 18:35, Antoine Latter wrote:
>> Further details:
>> If I patch alex to explicitly set the encoding whenever it reads from
>> or writes to a file, all of these problems go away. I'm not really
>> sure why alex needs this and nothing else does, but so it goes.
>> Is there a separate bug tracker for alex, or should this just be a GHC
>> bug?
> Thanks for looking into this - yes Alex needs to explicitly use utf8 for
> reading and writing files.  Those of us using a utf-8 locale probably
> wouldn't have noticed the problem, what's your locale set to?
> If you can send me the patch, that will save me time figuring it out for
> myself. Alex doesn't have a bug tracker, but you're welcome to use GHC's if
> you want.
> Cheers,
>        Simon

I have the following environment variable set:


But I have no idea what that means. Presumably something other than utf8.

The alex patch is attached, but I have not tested it on anything other
than GHC 6.12.

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