making Happy-1.17

Serge D. Mechveliani mechvel at
Wed Sep 17 05:35:26 EDT 2008

Dear team of Happy,

Please, where to find the `make' instruction for Happy-1.17 ?
How to `make' it from source on Linux, i386 ? 
I have ghc-6.8.3 installed, and Cabal.
As I see  happy.cabal,  maybe, Happy can be `made' similarly as I
make (with Cabal and GHC) my programs under GHC (?). 
So, I command

  cd ~/happy/happy-1.17/
  runhaskell Setup.lhs configure -v --ghc
It reports
  Configuring happy-1.17...
  Setup.lhs: At least the following dependencies are missing:
      mtl >=1.0

Please, help,

Serge Mechveliani
mechvel at

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