GHCi debugger status
Peter Hercek
phercek at
Fri Nov 28 06:09:56 EST 2008
Simon Marlow wrote:
> Peter Hercek wrote:
>> Simon Marlow wrote:
>>> A similar argument applies to keeping the dynamic stack. The problem
>>> with the dynamic stack is that it doesn't look much like you expect,
>>> due to tail-calls.
>> Do you think people expect the tail-calls to add a stack frame to the
>> dynamic stack or is there something more complicated?
> Right, I think they expect exactly that, and it'll confuse people that
> some stack frames are "missing". Often it's not clear which calls are
> tail-calls and which are not. Mind you, I think the fact that it's a
> dynamic call stack rather than a lexical call stack is likely to confuse
> the same set of users even more.
That is a good point, I might not see at the first look whether it is a
tail call or not. Which reminds me that if it is implemented the way I
expected then stack frames which are tail calls should be marked that
way so that it is possible to see at the first look whether the given
stack frame is a tail-call or not.
If it will be a lexical call stack I'm curious how the pruning will be
done so that we do not miss stack frames when we return from some code
which corresponds to an imperative loop. Maybe a top limit on the number
of stored lexical frames in one imperative (call-recursive) frame? From
my point of view this could work well enough if it can print something
like "and here there were some lexical frames pruned and we are going
one dynamic frame higher".
My reasons why I want to see it with tail-calls collapsed into one stack
frame is that I need debugger to figure out why something does not work
so I should see what it looks like close to the execution model where
the bugs actually present themselves. I believe that collapsed
tail-calls is not such a big deal if there is a way to filter trace
history (like tracelocal idea or something similar) or maybe having a
really long trace history. Hmmm, maybe it would be even possible to
recover last part of the lexical stack from the dynamic stack and the
trace history.
I discussed a bit with Pepe Iborra about how to build the dynamic (lazy)
stack from a trace on the fly. Something like whenever we reduce an
expression we would prune the corresponding node in the trace. Such a
pruned trace should correspond to the dynamic stack. (If I do not miss
something which I probably do.) And moreover if we record the
expressions (their source code range) we just pruned and the result they
reduced to then we can show it with some command like
:showexpressionresults. This would provide access to unnamed values
which could have been sent to a lower level calls as inputs. And that is
part of the problem we discussed in this thread.
Anyway thank you, Clause Reinke and Pepe Iborra for all the great help
with ghci ... I'm still learning how to script ghci debugger better. I
hope I can make it better than "printf debugging" with the scripts :-)
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