laziness, memoization and inlining

Scott Dillard sedillard at
Wed May 14 11:31:08 EDT 2008

Simon, Don,

You're right. -fno-state-hack fixed it. I've opened a trac ticket.
Program and test data are there.


On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 1:48 AM, Simon Peyton-Jones
<simonpj at> wrote:
> Scott
> | I'm experiencing some undesirable performance behavior, I suspect from
> | inlining things that shouldn't be, defeating my memoization attempts.
> This is bad, very bad.  I think Don is right. I believe the following is happening.  In your main program you have
>   do   let mesh = memoMesh rawMesh
>           display :: IO ()
>            display = draw mesh >> stuff
>        setDisplayCallback display
>        glutMainLoop
> So the effect is that 'display' is performed many times, by glutMainLoop.
> Now 'display' is seen by GHC thus:
>        display = \s -> draw mesh s >> stuff
> The "\s" says "given the state of the world, s, I'll draw the mesh on it".  The "state hack" makes GHC think that a "\s" will only ever be called once (which is utterly false in this case), so it can inline mesh=memoMesh rawMesh.  Result disaster.
> I bet you'll be fine if you compile your main module with -fno-state-hack.
> But I should fix this, somehow.  It's coming up too often to justify the hack.  Can you make a Trac bug report, and include your message and this one?
> Thanks for reporting it.
> Simon

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