Assembly decoding help?
Justin Bailey
jgbailey at
Tue Mar 4 20:07:03 EST 2008
I'm trying to get a feel for the assembly output by GHC on my
platform. Below is a module containing one function and the associated
assembly. I've put in comments what I think is going on, but I'd
appreciate it if anyone could give me some pointers. I'd really like
to know three things:
* Why does _Add_unsafeShiftR_info check if (%esi) is 3?
* What's going on in _s86_info?
* At the end of _s87_info, 8 is added to %ebp and then jumped to. Is
that a jump to the I# constructor and, if so, how did it's address get
to that offset from %ebp?
Thanks in advance for any assistance!
--- cut here ----
# Compiled with
# ghc -c Add.hs -fext-core -keep-s-files -fasm -O2 -ddump-to-file
-ddump-stg -ddump-cmm
# Platform: Windows XP.
# Processor Pentium 4.
# GHC Version: 6.8.2.
# > {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts -fbang-patterns #-}
# > module Add (unsafeShiftR)
# > where
# > import Data.Bits
# > import GHC.Base (uncheckedShiftRL#, Int(..), word2Int#, int2Word#)
# > I# a `unsafeShiftR` I# b = I# (word2Int# (int2Word# a
`uncheckedShiftRL#` b))
.align 4
.globl _Add_unsafeShiftR_closure
.long _Add_unsafeShiftR_info # Specifies entry point for unsafeShiftR?
.align 4,0x90
.long 33
.long 34
addl $8,%edi
cmpl 92(%ebx),%edi # Stack check?
ja .Lc8n
movl 4(%ebp),%eax # Get value to be shifted
movl 3(%esi),%ecx # Get shift amount
shrl %cl,%eax # Shift value
movl $_base_GHCziBase_Izh_con_info,-4(%edi) # Get ready to call I#?
movl %eax,(%edi) # Constructor value
leal -3(%edi),%esi # Address to what in I#?
addl $8,%ebp # Make room on stack for next caller?
jmp *(%ebp) # Go to constructor? Tail call?
movl $8,112(%ebx)
jmp *-8(%ebx) # Error routine if stack overflows?
.align 4,0x90
.long 1
.long 34
movl 4(%ebp),%eax # Testing what here?
movl 3(%esi),%ecx
movl %ecx,4(%ebp)
movl %eax,%esi
movl $_s87_info,(%ebp)
testl $3,%esi
jne _s87_info
jmp *(%esi)
.align 4,0x90
.long 131084
.long 0
.long 15
.globl _Add_unsafeShiftR_info
movl (%ebp),%esi
movl $_s86_info,(%ebp)
testl $3,%esi # Looking at StgRetInfoTable here?
jne _s86_info # Enter body of unsafeShiftR?
jmp *(%esi)
.align 4
.long 0
.align 4,0x90
.globl ___stginit_Add_
cmpl $0,__module_registered
jne .Lc8E
movl $1,__module_registered
addl $-4,%ebp
movl $___stginit_base_GHCziBase_,(%ebp)
addl $-4,%ebp
movl $___stginit_base_Prelude_,(%ebp)
addl $-4,%ebp
movl $___stginit_base_DataziBits_,(%ebp)
addl $4,%ebp
jmp *-4(%ebp)
.align 4,0x90
.globl ___stginit_Add
jmp ___stginit_Add_
.ident "GHC 6.8.2"
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