desperately seeking RULES help

Claus Reinke claus.reinke at
Mon Jun 9 18:29:12 EDT 2008

> Right. There are two things here:
>    1) -frewrite-rules
> enables rules to fire.
>    2) -fglasgow-exts
> enables parsing of RULES pragmas, and their interpretation.
> You need both if you wish to both write your own rules, and have them
> fire.

nope!-) -fglasgow-exts is sufficient for the RULE to be parsed
and applied in Lennart's code, -frewrite-rules doesn't seem to
serve any noticable purpose.

but i see now this is under re-evaluation, aptly titled:

    "Confusing flags for rewrite rules"
    (see simonpj's comment at the end)


$ head -1 Rules.hs
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 -Wall -fglasgow-exts #-}

$ /cygdrive/c/fptools/ghc/ghc-6.9.20080514/bin/ghc -fno-method-sharing -ddump-simpl-stats -c Rules.

==================== FloatOut stats: ====================
0 Lets floated to top level; 0 Lets floated elsewhere; from 3 Lambda groups

==================== FloatOut stats: ====================
0 Lets floated to top level; 0 Lets floated elsewhere; from 3 Lambda groups

==================== Grand total simplifier statistics ====================
Total ticks:     60

18 PreInlineUnconditionally
11 PostInlineUnconditionally
5 UnfoldingDone
1 RuleFired
    1 toInt/fromInt
2 EtaReduction
22 BetaReduction
1 KnownBranch
11 SimplifierDone

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