desperately seeking RULES help

Claus Reinke claus.reinke at
Mon Jun 9 06:00:26 EDT 2008

could you please send the complete options/commandline and
the expect final form of 'test'? i did play with Conal's example
as well, but couldn't find a combination to make it work.

perhaps i'm looking at the wrong output, but it seems i either 
get non-inlined 'onInt's in various forms or multiple matches out 
of the same dictionary, but with generic method names rather 
than the original 'fromInt'/'toInt'.


> Thanks a million, Lennart!  -fno-method-sharing was the missing piece.  -
> Conal
> On Sat, Jun 7, 2008 at 5:07 AM, Lennart Augustsson <lennart at>
> wrote:
>> Here's something that actually works.  You need to pass
>> -fno-method-sharing on the command line.
>> Instead of using rules on methods it uses rules on global functions,
>> and these global functions don't get inlined until late (after the
>> rule has fired).
>>  -- Lennart
>> module F where
>> -- | Domain of a linear map.
>> class AsInt a where
>>  toInt'   :: a -> Int
>>  fromInt' :: Int -> a
>> {-# INLINE[1] toInt #-}
>> toInt :: (AsInt a) => a -> Int
>> toInt = toInt'
>> {-# INLINE[1] fromInt #-}
>> fromInt :: (AsInt a) => Int -> a
>> fromInt = fromInt'
>> {-# RULES
>> "toInt/fromInt"   forall m . toInt (fromInt m) = m
>>  #-}
>> {-# INLINE onInt #-}
>> onInt :: AsInt a => (Int -> Int) -> (a -> a)
>> onInt f x = fromInt (f (toInt x))
>> test :: AsInt a => (Int -> Int) -> (Int -> Int) -> (a -> a)
>> test h g = onInt h . onInt g
>> 2008/6/7 Conal Elliott <conal at>:
>> > I'm trying to do some fusion in ghc, and I'd greatly appreciate help with
>> > the code below (which is simplified from fusion on linear maps).  I've
>> tried
>> > every variation I can think of, and always something prevents the fusion.
>> >
>> > Help, please!  Thanks, - Conal
>> >
>> >
>> > {-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 -Wall -fglasgow-exts -ddump-simpl -ddump-simpl-stats
>> #-}
>> > -- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -ddump-simpl-iterations #-}
>> >
>> > module F where
>> >
>> > -- | Domain of a linear map.
>> > class AsInt a where
>> >   toInt   :: a -> Int
>> >   fromInt :: Int -> a
>> >
>> > {-# RULES
>> > "toInt/fromInt"   forall m. toInt (fromInt m) = m
>> >  #-}
>> >
>> > {-# INLINE onInt #-}
>> > onInt :: AsInt a => (Int -> Int) -> (a -> a)
>> > onInt f = fromInt . f . toInt
>> >
>> > test :: AsInt a => (Int -> Int) -> (Int -> Int) -> (a -> a)
>> > test h g = onInt h . onInt g
>> >
>> > -- The desired result:
>> > --
>> > --   test h g
>> > --     == onInt h . onInt g
>> > --     == (fromInt . h . toInt) . (fromInt . g . toInt)
>> > --     == \ a -> (fromInt . h . toInt) ((fromInt . g . toInt) a)
>> > --     == \ a -> (fromInt . h . toInt) (fromInt (g (toInt a)))
>> > --     == \ a -> fromInt (h (toInt (fromInt (g (toInt a)))))
>> > --     == \ a -> fromInt (h (g (toInt a)))
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > _______________________________________________
>> > Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list
>> > Glasgow-haskell-users at
>> >
>> >
>> >


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