Weekly IRC meeting?

Johan Tibell johan.tibell at gmail.com
Fri Jul 11 09:03:05 EDT 2008

On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 11:08 AM, Simon Marlow <marlowsd at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I've been wondering whether it would be useful to have a weekly IRC meeting
> to discuss GHC.  The idea would be that this is a scheduled time when the
> developers turn up on #ghc, we'll discuss current topics around GHC, and
> users can chime in with questions, points for discussion, complaints :-) and
> so on.  I imagine making it completely informal to begin with, and later
> adding some structure (an agenda etc.) if necessary.

I would definitely be interested. 16:00 UK time would work for me.
Personally I'd have an easier time attending during work hours.

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