<.> defined in GHC and System.FilePath

Simon Marlow simonmarhaskell at gmail.com
Wed Jan 2 08:48:17 EST 2008

Neil Mitchell wrote:

> The GHC API uses the <.> operator, which clashes with System.FilePath.
> Possibly this might want renaming to something else - I have
> absolutely no idea what it does!
> Prelude> :m GHC
> Prelude GHC> :i <.>
> (<.>) :: HsWrapper -> HsWrapper -> HsWrapper    -- Defined in HsBinds

I tend to use

   import qualified GHC
   import GHC (Name, Id, ...)

i.e. qualify most things, but selectively import a few things unqualified. 
  The GHC API is quite huge, I expect clashes to be fairly common if you 
import it unqualified.


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