GHC logo ideas (was: Re: ANN: Mac installer pkg for GHC - trial release (Leopard, Intel))

Tim Chevalier catamorphism at
Thu Feb 14 18:20:43 EST 2008

On 2/14/08, Yitzchak Gale <gale at> wrote:
> Manuel M T Chakravarty wrote:
>  >> I'd also be nice to have a cool logo/icon.
> Tim Chevalier wrote:
>  >  I am a mediocre artist, but I'd be willing to give it a try if there
>  >  are no better ones around.
> Sounds great, please give it a whirl.

Well, I got bored in class, so here's a sketch:

This is still based on Yitzhak's idea of incorporating the Clyde Arc.
The extra bit of the lambda that extends on the left and turns into a
chip is meant to look like the bridge, though I'm not sure I got the
shape right.

I hereby release the above-linked image into the public domain. If
anyone wants to mess with it or make something prettier that's based
on the same idea, feel free. If anyone likes it, I could try to turn
this into something more polished.

I'm not sure to what extent GHC-land is crying out for a new logo, though...

>  >  I'm almost tempted to switch back to a Mac.
> Since you have been a Mac user, you are aware of how
>  fidgety this platform is about aesthetics. We all appreciate

Well, that was actually just in response to the "Installation
instructions: nil" comment in the OP. I'd love to use something that
has no installation instructions :-)


Tim Chevalier * * Often in error, never in doubt
"I do not write about nice people. I am not nice people."  -- Dorothy Allison

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