Possible Haddock bug affecting GHC docs

Krzysztof Skrzętnicki gtener at gmail.com
Sun Dec 21 19:47:59 EST 2008

Hello everyone

Please visit these to pages:
-- ver 0.9
-- ver 2.3.0

They show documentation produced by Haddock.

The problem is: on the second page (for GHC 6.10.1) there is no
information about exported module:

> module CTypes (module Foreign.C.Types) where
> import Foreign.C.Types

It seems it has something to do with bug fixed by 2.3.0 version of
Haddock: (see http://haskell.org/haddock/CHANGES.txt )

> Changed in version 2.3.0:
> (...)
>  * Fix a bug that made hidden modules show up in the contents & index pages
> (...)

This is really annoying, especially that documentation on page doesn't
contain links for source code. I think this should be fixed too.
I also checked that information about exported modules appears when
there is more thing to export like in Control.Concurrent.

I didn't file a Haddock bug since I failed to make minimal example
that reproduces the bug.

> module A (module B) where
> import B

> module B (one,two) where
> one :: Int
> one = 1
> two :: Int
> two = 2

Turns out to generate good documentation. Perhaps there is something
more to be done to actually trigger the bug.
I attach my testing suite (A.hs, B.hs, Makefile, results).

All best

Christopher Skrzętnicki
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