Where STM is unstable at the moment, and how we can fix it
Sterling Clover
s.clover at gmail.com
Sat Aug 30 14:53:19 EDT 2008
This email is inspired by the discussion here: http://
As the ticket discusses, unsafeIOToSTM is, unlike unsafePerformIO or
unsafeInterleaveIO, genuinely completely unsafe in that there is no
way to use it such that a segfault or deadlock is not at least
somewhat encouraged. The code attached to the ticket creates a
deadlock solely through using it to write to stdout. But, for the
same reason that unsafeIOToSTM is unstable, unsafeInterleaveIO now is
very unstable as well -- conceivably, data generated from functions
with lazy IO (including those in the prelude) could cause deadlocks
within STM, and even segfaults.
In summary, a "validation" step is performed on all threads inside
atomically blocks during garbage collection. This validation step
will, on encountering invalid threads (i.e. ones which should be
rolled back) immediately kill them dead and retry. This is different
than the implementation described in the STM paper, where rollbacks
only occur on commit. However, it does add a measure of efficiency.
The problem is that the validation code disregards exception
handlers, since rollback is not an exception, and so anything
embedded in STM that brackets an IO action, for example, can be
rolled back without the final part of the exception even being called.
As Simon M. notes, the obvious solution would be to turn rollbacks
into regular exceptions, but this would open a number of cans of worms.
A start, though not sufficient, would be for stm validation to
respect blocked status -- not to block on it, obviously, but simply
to refuse to rollback a transaction within it. Validation on GC is,
after all, only an efficiency trick and implementation detail, and if
it lets the occasional invalid transaction stand due to its blocked
status, that transaction will simply be cleaned up later anyway.
A more thorough solution would be, as I suggest at the end of the
ticket, to add a new primitive with similar semantics to block --
blockRollback, of type STM () -> STM (). Anything that took place
within blockRollback could not be stopped by validation.
Finally, we could "split the difference" between block and
blockRollback, by simply setting a rollbackBlocked flag on a *top
level* invocation of block within STM, and thenceforth, not unsetting
it until that block is exited, regardless of calls to unblock nested
inside. This would effectively, without introducing a new primitive,
ensure that rollback did not disrupt things terribly, and thus would
be the solution that handled the lazyIO issue the best as well.
There are lots of interesting applications of STM that require the
ability to extend its semantics. To do this is going to require
unsafeIOToSTM, just as unsafePerformIO is used on occasion as a low
level tool to create safer and better things on top of (or as
unsafeCoerce is, for that matter). However, the current state of STM
means that writing these extensions of STM semantics safely is 100%
I'm not sure which, if any, of the solutions that I'm presenting seem
the most reasonable. However, without some sort of resolution for
this issue, STM is far less powerful and useful than it can and
should be.
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