GHC 6.8.1 RC debugger only breaking on first evaluation of a function

Olivier Boudry olivier.boudry at
Tue Sep 18 17:04:07 EDT 2007

On 9/18/07, Stefan O'Rear <stefanor at> wrote:
> There is a flag to do this, and it's even In The Manual!
>   3.8.1. GHCi options
>    GHCi options may be set using :set and unset using :unset.
>    The available GHCi options are:
>    +r
 Thanks Stefan,

I just tried the ":set +r" trick. It looked really promising but it doesn't
seem to work as expected.

The session with the ":set +r" is exactly the same as without it:

Prelude> :l debug68.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( debug68.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
*Main> :set +r
*Main> :b qsort
Breakpoint 0 activated at debug68.hs:(1,0)-(3,55)
*Main> main
Stopped at debug68.hs:(1,0)-(3,55)
_result :: [a] = _
[debug68.hs:(1,0)-(3,55)] *Main> :del *
[debug68.hs:(1,0)-(3,55)] *Main> :cont
*Main> :b qsort
Breakpoint 1 activated at debug68.hs:(1,0)-(3,55)
*Main> main

Best regards,

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