GHC 6.8.1 RC debugger only breaking on first evaluation of a function

Pepe Iborra mnislaih at
Tue Sep 18 15:07:19 EDT 2007


On 18/09/2007, at 20:26, Olivier Boudry wrote:

> Hi all,
> I just tried the new GHCi debugger. A great new feature of GHCi 6.8.1.
> When debugging a function, as for example the qsort function given  
> as an example in the "3.5 The GHCi Debugger" documentation page,  
> the debugger will only break on first function evaluation.
> As haskell is pure and lazy it's probably a normal behavior (reuse  
> last result instead of recompute) but it's not very practical in a  
> debugger. I tried to reload (:r) but it doesn't seems to help. Is  
> there a way to force the function to be re-evalutated without  
> quitting, starting, loading prog and setting breakpoints again,  
> other than making the function part of the IO monad. ;-)

Definitely, there should be one such way.
Could you paste a ghci session demonstrating the problem?

Thanks in advance, we are heavily in need of feedback and bug reports  
reg. the debugger.

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