6.8.1-candidate tested

Serge D. Mechveliani mechvel at botik.ru
Thu Oct 18 03:56:27 EDT 2007

Dear GHC developers,

I have tested  ghc-  on DoCon and on 
It looks all right

(except the bug-candidate for -O which is common to all GHC versions
and which I recently reported

On DoCon,  ghc-  
1) builds the project 2-3 times faster than  ghc-6.6.1,  
2) its produced  .a  code is  1.6  times larger,
3) the test runs  1.4  times faster,
4) the minimal space (2500 Kb) for the test running remains. 

This looks all right.


Serge Mechveliani
mechvel at botik.ru

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