GHC benchmarks

Ketil Malde ketil+haskell at
Fri Oct 12 07:01:09 EDT 2007

Ketil Malde <ketil+haskell at> writes:

> I've also added results from the 64 bit ghc-6.8.20071011 binary
> snapshot, which shows some nice improvements, with one benchmark
> improving by 30%(!).

One difference between these runs is that the ByteString library, on
which this particular benchmark depends heavily, got upgraded from
fps-0.7 to bytestring-0.9.  I initially thought some of the
performance increase could be due to that, but after some contortions,
I find that 6.6.1 with bytestring-0.9 gives me slightly worse
results(!)  (I haven't yet entirely convinced myself that I got this
properly set up, but at least ghci lets me :m
Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internals, which I believe is a new addition)

Here are the numbers:

    --- Sequence bench ---

    rc hash counts int  (8) ..... OK, passed 10 tests, CPU time: 38.778423s
    rc hash counts int (16) ..... OK, passed 10 tests, CPU time: 38.522408s
    rc hash counts     (16) ..... OK, passed 10 tests, CPU time: 38.694418s
    rc hash counts     (32) ..... OK, passed 10 tests, CPU time: 39.170448s

    Sequence bench totals, CPU time: 155.165697s, wall clock: 155 secs

    --- Alignment bench ---

    global alignment, short ..... OK, passed 10 tests, CPU time: 3.492218s
    global alignment, long ...... OK, passed 10 tests, CPU time: 152.497531s

    Alignment bench totals, CPU time: 155.989749s, wall clock: 156 secs

    Total for all tests, CPU time: 311.155446s, wall clock: 311 secs

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants

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