6.8.1 compilation error

Simon Marlow simonmarhaskell at gmail.com
Mon Nov 5 06:16:43 EST 2007

Seth Kurtzberg wrote:

> While compiling the new release (6.8.1, with both the primary source and 
> the extra libraries) I experienced a gcc error, gcc of course called by 
> ghc.  I’m compiling 6.8.1 with ghc 6.6.1.  The gcc version is 4.1.1.
> I’ve seen similar behavior in the past where some sort of heap 
> corruption occurs within gcc and triggers an internal compiler error.  
> So this may not be a true ghc error at all, but one can’t completely 
> rule it out.
> This type of error, especially appearing at random, is suggestive of a 
> memory hardware problem.  To eliminate this possibility I ran memtest86 
> for several hours on the machine.  No errors were detected.

Dedicated memory test programs are notoriously inadequate for finding bad 
memory, whereas both GHC and GCC are actually quite good at it :-)

> I’ll repeat the build again from a fresh directory to see if the problem 
> is repeatable.  Then I plan to run a build after upgrading gcc from 
> 4.1.1 to 4.2.1.  I’ll report the results.

Thanks, I look forward to hearing the results.


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