readArray is faster than unsafeRead
Scott Dillard
sedillard at
Tue May 29 17:42:22 EDT 2007
You're right. I broke them when experimenting to see where the cycles
were going. I've fixed them, but the other pair of functions, named
gaussElim2, were correct and the issue remains that unsafeRead appears
slower than readArray.
I've included your implementation for comparison, as well as a simple
pure matrix multiplication function, but I'm having trouble tracking
them down in the profiling. I think all of their cycles are being
counted under main, but I'm not sure how to stop this. They certainly
"feel" faster when I sit there and watch the program run, which is
Why would lists-of-lists be faster than unboxed arrays? No indexing
arithmetic? Deforestation? I'm very curious. The first advice I got
from #haskell when trying to speed up my original code was "get rid of
all those lists."
On 5/29/07, Mirko Rahn <rahn at> wrote:
> > instead of (!) (or readArray in stateful code) helped a lot. So then I
> > went to optimize my gaussian elimination function and found just the
> > opposite. unsafeRead is slower than readArray. This struck me as very
> The functions gaussElimSafe and gaussElimUnsafe are different in their
> outputs (*). I guess you made a mistake during conversion from one
> version to the other.
> BTW, the attached file contains an outline of a pure functional and
> indexless implementation. It calculates the inverse of a quadratic
> matrix in time O(n^3), so maybe you can get rid of all this exclamation
> marks and IO stuff...
> BR,
> (*) Try:
> newStdGen >>= \ g -> flip mapM_ [gaussElimSafe,gaussElimUnsafe] $ \ f ->
> makeMatrix g >>= \ m -> printMatrix m >> f m >> printMatrix m
> --
> -- Mirko Rahn -- Tel +49-721 608 7504 --
> --- ---
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