Libraries makefile

Stefan Holdermans stefan at
Thu May 17 14:10:10 EDT 2007

I noticed that the makefile in ghc/libraries is changed recently--- 
could it be broken? When building GHC HEAD on Mac OS X (Darwin, Power  
PC), I got:

   make -C libraries boot
   rm -f -rf bootstrapping.Cabal
   cp -R Cabal bootstrapping.Cabal
   bootstrapping.Cabal \( -name "*.o" -o -name "*.hi" \) \
                            -exec rm -f -f {} \;
   /bin/sh: line 1: bootstrapping.Cabal: command not found
   make[1]: *** [stamp/bootstrapping.Cabal] Error 127
   make: *** [stage1] Error 2

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