inter module optimizations

Fawzi Mohamed fmohamed at
Wed Mar 28 10:42:29 EDT 2007

Donald Bruce Stewart wrote:
> [..]
> To really understand what is going on, I suggest looking at the
> -ddump-simpl output as you change the inlining settings. Then you'll see
> how GHC is moving code about.
> -- Don (who's spent the last 2 weeks playing the simplifer/inliner game)
Thanks, but actually (with Jeremy's and your suggestion on haskell-cafe 
about the INLINE directive) I have got back the performance that I had 
(actually even better than before), I don't want to *really* understand 
it ;-).
I was thinking that maybe someone else here would have liked to 
understand it.
Especially the fact that profiling gives exactly the opposite trend as 
the executable without profiling (the fastest program becomes the 
slowest and vice versa) when using -O2 is annoying.


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