documentation of -M option insufficient

Marc Weber marco-oweber at
Tue Mar 13 21:20:03 EDT 2007

On Tue, Mar 13, 2007 at 02:37:09PM +0100, Marc Weber wrote:
> The description of the -M option looks like this:
> -M Generate dependency information suitable for use in a Makefile.
> (copied from
> It should contain the hint that it writes this information to a Makefile.
> I'm thinking of something like
> -M writes dependency information suitable for use in a Makefile into the Makefile

Simon Warlow:
>-M is well documented:
>The section of the documentation you're referring to is just the summary (and the summary links to
>+the full docs).

Simon Peyton-Jones:
>So it is. I'll just add a helpful cross-ref.  Arguably redundant if you follow the link to Section
>+4.4, but nevertheless helpful.  Simon

I agree. After following 2 links I might get the information that the result is written to a Makefile.
Thanks Simon.

The reason why I've missed the link is because I did use find as you type of
firefox. The link was not on screen then. I was confused because ghc -M did
return exit code 0, no message, no output to stdout (like cpp -M switch). I did
not try a ls (which wouldn't have helped much because I already had a Makefile
in that directory)


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