GHC Crosscompile

Anatoly Yakovenko aeyakovenko at
Mon Jun 18 20:49:29 EDT 2007

how portable are the .hc files?  do they depend on some library that
needs to be built for the target?  Would they generate read only
position independent object code (no writable global variables)?


On 6/18/07, Simon Marlow <simonmarhaskell at> wrote:
> Cristian Perfumo wrote:
> > Hi everybody:
> >    I would like to compile Haskell programs to run on Alpha
> > architecture. As the target architecture is going to be simulated, I
> > can't install GHC on an Alpha machine (because I don't have one). As
> > most of you, I have got GHC installed and running on x86.
> >    Is there any way to cross-compile and generate Alpha code with my x86
> > compiler?
> At the moment, no.  You can build a compiler that will generate .hc files that
> can be compiled on the target; this is how we do bootstrapping on a new
> architecture, but it's not the same as cross-compiling all the way to an executable.
> Cheers,
>         Simon
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