DoCon soft announcement

Serge D. Mechveliani mechvel at
Fri Jun 15 03:12:16 EDT 2007

Software Announcement

The Algebraic Domain Constructor  DoCon,  Version 2.09,

written in Haskell,

is available, together with its source program, on Internet at the
following addresses:  click at  docon-2.09  (Russian site),            (same site),                (USA site)

The difference to previous (2.08) release is small: 
* it is ported to the latest (on 2007) Glasgow Haskell version of 6.6.1,
* it has a simpler installation code, due to that it relies on the 
  commands `configure', `build', `install' of the Cabal support for 
* several bugs are fixed,
* the implementation for decomposing to elementary symmetrics is improved.

Serge Mechveliani
mechvel at

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