HDirect and GHC-6.6
Fernand Lacas
quarantedeux42 at yahoo.fr
Wed Jan 10 16:24:40 EST 2007
This is my first post on this mailing list and I hope it will not be too off-topic.
My point is that I have worked a little on the porting of the last (0.21) version of HDirect (http://www.haskell.org/hdirect/) to ghc 6.6. I succeeded in compiling the ihc.exe (idl compiler) but I'm now stuck on the boot-strapping of the COM library (which is required to have support for Automation).
This seems to come from a new feature of the package management system, which includes the package's name in the interface files (.hi).
Alas, on the beginning of this new year (happy new year to you all), I lack time to understand the cabal system to solve this. I've written to the people mentioned in the README (and others), which are supposed to support the library, but got no answer. I assume they are no longer supporting it.
Thus, I simply wanted to know if someone on this list, more involved with ghc or haskell's community, would be interested to have the sources files so that, may be in the near future, hdirect could be up to date with ghc, and also that other people could benefit from that small contribution without re-inventing the wheel (my changes are not complex, but rather tedious because I had to track all deprecated libraries, correct a GHC-specific bug).
I also think that hdirect build process should be translated to Cabal's setup (it currently uses Makefiles, but the build process is not straightforward, so the adaptation requires a knowledge I do not have of Cabal).
Sincerely yours,
P.-S. I do not check this mail on a daily basis, so it is possible I won't answer immediately, but within one or two days.
Excuse my french, it is my mother tongue.
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