hasktags - small patch

Arthur van Leeuwen arthurvl at cs.uu.nl
Fri Feb 23 10:24:34 EST 2007

On 21-feb-2007, at 16:15, Claus Reinke wrote:

>> Yes, there's Norman Ramsey and Kathleen Fisher's partial hasktags  
>> implementation on top of the GHC API:
>> http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/946
>> I think incorporating small fixes to the existing hasktags in the  
>> meantime is fine, though.  We're still using it, and it may be a  
>> while before the GHC API version is working well enough.
> if we're talking interim solutions, also try something like:
>    echo ":ctags" | ghci -v0 Main.hs
> (or etags, if you prefer; see :? in ghci). from what i remember,  
> that should give
> more useful results than hasktags. there is probably a good reason  
> why some
> people still use hasktags, though, and i'd be interested to hear it  
> (perhaps add
> it to the ticket?).

And some more programming actually gave me that good reason once
again: the given ghci command only gives tags for exported definitions.
This just plain sucks for any reasonably sized module. :)

Doei, Arthur.


   /\    / |       arthurvl at cs.uu.nl       | Work like you don't need  
the money
/__\  /  | A friend is someone with whom | Love like you have never  
been hurt
/    \/__ | you can dare to be yourself   | Dance like there's nobody  

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