ANNOUNCE: GHC version 6.8.2

Manuel M T Chakravarty chak at
Thu Dec 13 20:05:56 EST 2007

Alex Jacobson:
> Will this also work with Tiger or do I have to upgrade?
I don't know.  I have no box with Tiger to test.  Give it a try.  The  
worst that can happen is that it is going to complain about some  
missing libraries or similar.


> Manuel M T Chakravarty wrote:
>> Ian Lynagh wrote:
>>>  =============================================================
>>>   The (Interactive) Glasgow Haskell Compiler -- version 6.8.2
>>>  =============================================================
>>> The GHC Team is pleased to announce a new patchlevel release of GHC.
>>> This release contains a number of bugfixes relative to 6.8.1,  
>>> including
>>> some significant performance fixes, so we recommend upgrading.
>> A binary distribution for Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) is available from
>>  To use this binary distribution, you need to have "readline" from  
>> MacPorts installed.
>> Manuel
>> PS: This time around, there should be no dependency on MacPorts'  
>> "gmp", but this is hard for me to test locally.
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