Release plans

Chris Kuklewicz haskell at
Tue Apr 17 09:21:33 EDT 2007

Doaitse Swierstra wrote:
> Just to show what kind of problems we are currently facing. The
> following type checks in our EHC compiler and in Hugs, but not in the GHC:
> module Test where
> data T s = forall x. T (s -> (x -> s) -> (x, s, Int))

> run :: (forall s . T s) -> Int
> run ts  = case ts of
>             T g -> let (x,_, b) =  g x id
>                    in b
> Doaitse Swierstra

f :: Double -> (Char -> Double) -> (Char, Double, Int)
f double charToDouble = (undefined, double, 0)

t :: T Double
t = T f

-- And what will happen here:
run t = ...

The "id" in "T g = g _ id" tries to require that
f :: Double -> (Double -> Double) -> (Double, Double, Int)
but that is not correct.

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