FreeBSD/amd64 registerised running
Ian Lynagh
igloo at
Mon Apr 9 12:21:32 EDT 2007
On Sun, Apr 08, 2007 at 07:49:24PM -0400, Gregory Wright wrote:
> I have ghc-6.6 (darcs version from 20070405) running registerized on
> FreeBSD/amd64.
Excellent! Well done, and thanks for persevering!
It would be great if you could let us have a bindist and any necessary
> The fix is to patch libraries/base/Text/Regex/Posix.hs on the amd64
> target:
> --- libraries/base/Text/Regex/Posix.hs.sav Thu Apr 5 12:05:22 2007
> +++ libraries/base/Text/Regex/Posix.hs Thu Apr 5 12:05:45 2007
> @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
> regexec (Regex regex_fptr) str = do
> withCString str $ \cstr -> do
> withForeignPtr regex_fptr $ \regex_ptr -> do
> - nsub <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 4)) regex_ptr
> + nsub <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 8)) regex_ptr
> {-# LINE 109 "Posix.hsc" #-}
> let nsub_int = fromIntegral (nsub :: CSize)
> allocaBytes ((1 + nsub_int) * (16)) $ \p_match -> do
Aha! That makes sense: When generating .hc files on the host machine,
hsc2hs makes a C program which generates a .hs module (with the host's
sizes embedded in it) which is finally compiled down to .hc as normal.
So I think to do this in a way that is porting-friendly, hsc2hs would
have to convert
f = ... #peek regex_t, re_nsub ...
into something like
-- Haskell:
foreign import re_nsub_off :: Int
f = ... (\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr re_nsub_off) ...
/* C */
#import "HsFFI.h"
HsInt re_nsub_off(void) { return ... }
Unfortunately I don't think we can do anything as nice with #type.
> With this patch, we are pretty close. However, there still seems to be
> something wrong with the splitter. I can make a working registerized
> compiler if I set splitObjs=NO in, but it seems as if
> whatever is
> wrong with ghc-split shouldn't be too hard to fix.
> I've glanced at ghc-split.lprl, but on what files is it invoked? Can
> I run it from the command line on a file and see check what comes out?
If you compile a module with
ghc -v -keep-tmp-files
then you should see the commandline it is using, and it should leave the
files for you to examine, and rerun the commands on, afterwards.
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