more extra-libs for ghc 6.6

Ian Lynagh igloo at
Mon Sep 25 14:20:46 EDT 2006

On Tue, Sep 19, 2006 at 08:45:30PM +0400, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:
> Hello glasgow-haskell-users,
> how about adding to the list of extra libs the following very useful ones:

I think we're too late in the release process to be adding libraries.
Also, I think we would like to move towards distributing fewer
libraries, not more.

For 6.8 I hope we can do something like drop the extra-libs tarball, but
have the build process do a topological sort of everything in libraries/
and build the lot. That way if you want to bundle a given set of libs in
the Windows installer, or whatever, then you just instruct cabal-get to
give you the source tarballs for those libs, and anything they depend
on (would need to tell it you have the core libraries already somehow),
put them in libraries/ and build in the normal way.

This would neatly sidestep any arguments about what packages are
important/common/small/... enough that they should go in extralibs.

> regex-*

I'm not sure if you are refering to other packages, but
regex-base, regex-compat and regex-posix are already core libraries.


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