OpenGL failing with Mac Intel 6.6 distribution

Deborah Goldsmith dgoldsmith at
Mon Oct 30 11:47:05 EST 2006

On Oct 30, 2006, at 7:53 AM, Sven Panne wrote:
> Am Samstag, 28. Oktober 2006 19:41 schrieb Deborah Goldsmith:
>> [...] Since it failed at the gcc stage rather than the ghc stage,  
>> I don't
>> think that it's that the package wasn't installed. I think something
>> about the way the distribution was put together is wrong. [...]
> The diff you've sent earlier and the package list really look like  
> a packaging
> bug. In the installed include directory (no idea where it is on  
> Macs, it is
> the same place where e.g. Stg.h lives) there should be HsOpenGL*.h  
> files,
> HsGLUT*.h files, etc.  Can you mail a listing of that directory,  
> please?

Here is a listing from the installed directory:
$ ls /usr/local/lib/ghc-6.6/include/
Block.h                 HsBaseConfig.h           
Liveness.h              STM.h                   Typeable.h
Bytecodes.h             HsFFI.h                  
MachDeps.h              SchedAPI.h              WCsubst.h
CTypes.h                HsGLUT.h                 
MachRegs.h              Signals.h               config.h
ClosureMacros.h         HsGLUTConfig.h           
OSThreads.h             Stable.h                consUtils.h
ClosureTypes.h          HsGLUTExt.h              
Parallel.h              Stg.h                   dirUtils.h
Closures.h              HsNet.h                  
Regs.h                  StgDLL.h                fpstring.h
Cmm.h                   HsNetworkConfig.h        
Rts.h                   StgFun.h                ghcautoconf.h
Constants.h             HsReadline.h             
RtsAPI.h                StgLdvProf.h            ghcconfig.h
DNInvoke.h              HsReadlineConfig.h       
RtsConfig.h             StgMiscClosures.h       ghcplatform.h
DerivedConstants.h      HsUnix.h                 
RtsExternal.h           StgProf.h               gmp.h
Dotnet.h                HsUnixConfig.h           
RtsFlags.h              StgTicky.h              ieee-flpt.h
GHCConstants.h          HsX11Config.h            
RtsMessages.h           StgTypes.h              lockFile.h
GranSim.h               HsXlib.h                 
RtsTypeable.h           Storage.h               runProcess.h
Hooks.h                 InfoTables.h             
RtsTypes.h              TSO.h                   timeUtils.h
HsBase.h                Linker.h                 
SMP.h                   TailCalls.h

Here is a listing from the corresponding directory in the untar'ed  
binary distribution:

~/Work/source/ghc-6.6 debbie$ ls lib/i386-apple-darwin/include/
Block.h                 HsBaseConfig.h           
Liveness.h              STM.h                   Typeable.h
Bytecodes.h             HsFFI.h                  
MachDeps.h              SchedAPI.h              WCsubst.h
CTypes.h                HsGLUT.h                 
MachRegs.h              Signals.h               config.h
ClosureMacros.h         HsGLUTConfig.h           
OSThreads.h             Stable.h                consUtils.h
ClosureTypes.h          HsGLUTExt.h              
Parallel.h              Stg.h                   dirUtils.h
Closures.h              HsNet.h                  
Regs.h                  StgDLL.h                fpstring.h
Cmm.h                   HsNetworkConfig.h        
Rts.h                   StgFun.h                ghcautoconf.h
Constants.h             HsReadline.h             
RtsAPI.h                StgLdvProf.h            ghcconfig.h
DNInvoke.h              HsReadlineConfig.h       
RtsConfig.h             StgMiscClosures.h       ghcplatform.h
DerivedConstants.h      HsUnix.h                 
RtsExternal.h           StgProf.h               gmp.h
Dotnet.h                HsUnixConfig.h           
RtsFlags.h              StgTicky.h              ieee-flpt.h
GHCConstants.h          HsX11Config.h            
RtsMessages.h           StgTypes.h              lockFile.h
GranSim.h               HsXlib.h                 
RtsTypeable.h           Storage.h               runProcess.h
Hooks.h                 InfoTables.h             
RtsTypes.h              TSO.h                   timeUtils.h
HsBase.h                Linker.h                 
SMP.h                   TailCalls.h


~/Work/source/ghc-6.6 debbie$ find . -name 'HSOpenGL*' -print

Since the files are not in the distribution itself, they can hardly  
be installed. :-) It looks like the Mac OS X Intel distribution has a  
problem. I'll check the PPC distribution later to see if it has the  
same problem.


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