GHC 6.6 using stale stub.c files
Juan Carlos Arevalo Baeza
jcab.lists at
Tue Oct 24 14:26:03 EDT 2006
Simon Marlow wrote:
> Juan Carlos Arevalo Baeza wrote:
>> Simon Marlow wrote:
>>> Juan Carlos Arevalo Baeza wrote:
>>>> I tried recompiling a little (big?) Win32 binding library I had
>>>> made, when the official one wasn't working for me. It had a bunch
>>>> of generated stubs files in it (I'm not 100% sure what they are
>>>> for). The problem is that, not even with -fforce-recomp (much
>>>> better name, thanx!) will GHC regenerate those files (I think
>>>> that's normal), but still it tries to use them if they are there. I
>>>> get errors like these:
>>> I think you are encountering this bug:
>>> workaround: delete the old stub files.
>> Yes, as I said, that workaround works.
>> However, the description of the bug is incorrect. It picks up the
>> _stub.c files, not the _stub.o files, and it picks them up even if
>> the file is recompiled (and didn't re-generate the _stub.c file).
>> Bug updated. Thanx!
> Now I'm surprised. I understood bug #706 as it was, I understand the
> cause and how to fix it. But I don't know how GHC could be
> recompiling the _stub.c files.
> There could be two bugs here. If you could supply us with a repro
> case, that would be very helpful (please attach it to the ticket).
I attached the repro and posted instructions. Feel free to open
another bug, move the file, etc. And let me know directly (I don't
always monitor this list) if you need anything else.
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