GHC 6.6 using stale stub.c files

Juan Carlos Arevalo Baeza jcab.lists at
Mon Oct 23 10:33:32 EDT 2006

Simon Marlow wrote:
> Juan Carlos Arevalo Baeza wrote:
>>   I tried recompiling a little (big?) Win32 binding library I had 
>> made, when the official one wasn't working for me. It had a bunch of 
>> generated stubs files in it (I'm not 100% sure what they are for). 
>> The problem is that, not even with -fforce-recomp (much better name, 
>> thanx!) will GHC regenerate those files (I think that's normal), but 
>> still it tries to use them if they are there. I get errors like these:
> I think you are encountering this bug:
> workaround: delete the old stub files.

   Yes, as I said, that workaround works.

   However, the description of the bug is incorrect. It picks up the 
_stub.c files, not the _stub.o files, and it picks them up even if the 
file is recompiled (and didn't re-generate the _stub.c file).

   Bug updated. Thanx!


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