searching docs in 6.6

Serge D. Mechveliani mechvel at
Thu Oct 12 05:39:50 EDT 2006

Please, who knows how to find (install) docs in ghc-6.6 ?

I install  ghc-6.6  from source to   ~/ghc/6.6/ghc-6.6/inst 
   ./configure --prefix=/home/mechvel/ghc/6.6/inst
   make install

The installed system seems to work.
Then, I apply the WWW brouser to see the documentation. It shows at
the files   index.html, users_guide/
and such,
but I cannot see the docs further because of that
  "  ~/ghc/6.6/ghc-6.6/docs/users_guide/index.html  cannot be found ".

How to install it, please?

Thank you in advance for help,

Serge Mechveliani
mechvel at

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