runtime fusion for Data.ByteString.cons ?

Claus Reinke claus.reinke at
Sun Nov 19 12:54:14 EST 2006

I noticed that ByteString is drastically slower than String if I use
cons a lot. according to the source, that is expected because of
the memcpy for the second parameter.

but it seems to me that construction should be able to play the 
dual trick to deconstruction (which does not copy the tail, but
returns an indirection into the original list).

roughly speaking: when constructing a ByteString via cons h t, 
we know the length of the result (1+length t), and instead of 
creating t in a separate storage location then copying it over to
the result, we could try to create it inplace. or rather, we could 
delay construction of ByteStrings until we know whether we 
need to allocate fresh memory for them or whether they can 
be created by filling some context.

this rough idea runs into a couple of issues in practice:

- first of all, it seems to be a runtime fusion (unless we do whole
    program optimization, simplifier rewrites won't do, although
    unfolding recursions might still expose some opportunities for
    a static variant of this fusion)

- if t is shared, we'd like to redirect these shared references to
    an indirection into the tail of cons h t

ignoring the second point for now, if we look into the source 
for cons, we find something like:

    cons :: Word8 -> ByteString -> ByteString
    cons c (PS x s l) = unsafeCreate (l+1) $ \p-> ... poke p c; memcpy (p+1)..

now, let's imagine a pre-ByteString as a not-yet allocated ByteString:

    data PreBS = PrePS l f

so that 

    createBS :: PreBS -> ByteString
    createBS (PrePS l f) = unsafeCreate l f

    consPre :: Word8 -> ByteString -> PrePS
    consPre c (PS x s l) = PrePS (l+1) $ \p-> ... poke p c; memcpy (p+1)..

    cons :: Word8 -> ByteString -> ByteString
    cons c bs = createBS (consPre c bs)

then we could express our fusion as

    consPre c (create (PrePS l f)) = PrePS (l+1) $ \p-> ... poke p  c; f (p+1)..

in other words, in a typical map-like recursion scheme, we do not create, 
copy & release the tails recursively, but delay creation until we know where 
to embed our ByteString, at which point we do a sequence of pokes, no
memcpy. but note that we are matching on a function application here, even
though we are not in a simplifier rule, so this doesn't work as it stands..

this is as far as I got so far.. (see attached example for a manual use of
pre-ByteStrings to speed up a map). now my questions for you:-)

- does this make sense?
- can it be made to work? 

as we probably cannot redirect shared references to t in (cons h t), can 
we identify the situations where t is not shared, as in a map, or can we 
just ignore any shared references (they will point to a "create (PrePS ..)" 
combination, and should just keep working, since we bypass those 
combinations instead of rewriting them)?

a tentative idea would be to overload create so that it produces a proper,
allocated ByteString where such is expected, but can also just pass through
the PreBS where the context can handle it?

    class Create r where
        create :: PreBS -> r
    instance Create ByteString where
        create (PrePS l f) = unsafeCreate l f
    instance Create PreBS where
        create = id

    consPre :: Word8 -> ByteString -> PrePS
    consPre c (PS x s l) = PrePS (l+1) $ \p-> ... poke p c; memcpy (p+1)..

    cons :: Word8 -> ByteString -> ByteString
    cons c bs = create (consPre c bs)

    consPre' :: Word8 -> PrePS -> PrePS
    consPre' c (PrePS l f) = PrePS (l+1) $ \p-> ... poke p  c; f (p+1)..

so that "consPre c (create (PrePS ..))" works as normal, while
"consPre' c (create (PrePS ..))" uses the fusion path.

or something like that;-)
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