Debugging partial functions by the rules

Claus Reinke claus.reinke at
Wed Nov 15 11:52:02 EST 2006

> Sounds useful to me (though one might occasionally want to have
> access to just the current location, without context - suggesting 
> perhaps a list/stack of strings rather than a pre-concatenated string).

actually, there's a bit about your proposal (on the wiki page) that I don't 
quite follow, namely whether the annotated function versions are hand-written 
(needed only for making explicit use of the annotation parameter) or 
generated (convenient for passing on the annotation parameter). here are 
the use cases I can see arising:

case 1: I want to have explicit access to the call site location info

    - I write both head and headError, and the pragma
    - calls to head will be translated into calls to headError <srcLoc>,
        where I can process that information however I need to.

    {-# SRC_LOC_ANNOTATE head #-}
    head (h:_) = h

    headError srcLoc (h:_) = h
    headError srcLoc _ = error ("head of empty list: "++show srcLoc)

case 2: I have a function that calls annotated functions

    2a: I want to have explicit access to the location info

    - I write both the function and its variant, and the pragma
    - calls to the function will be translated into annotated calls 
        to its variant, I have to handle the information myself

    2b: I just want to build up call stack information

    - I write only the function, and its pragma
    - a variant is generated, affecting calls to annotated functions
        as described on the web page

case 0: I have a function with non-exhaustive left-hand sides, 
            and I want the default branch to refer to the call site

    - I write only head, and its pragma
    - a definition of headError is generated, differing from head
        only in the extra parameter, and in the error branch which
        refers to that parameter (see case 1 for code)
    - calls to head will be translated into calls to headError <srcLoc>.

    {-# SRC_LOC_ANNOTATE head #-}
    head (h:_) = h

[instead of generating variants as separate functions, one might 
 simply transform the originals; the default branch should also be
 augmented in 2b, as in 0]

cases 1&2 are as on the wiki page, where I think 2b is suggested,
as a convenient default. case 2a would arise naturally if we annotate 
a function that also happens to call other annotated functions. and
case 0 is the one that started this discussion, so it would be nice not
to have to write out the boilerplate variants by hand.

does this make sense?

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