The wiki [was : fromJust something something]

Neil Mitchell ndmitchell at
Wed Nov 15 06:47:09 EST 2006


> 1. People (like myself) will pollute the Debugging Page, or such, with badly
> edited and erroneous `draft' ideas, and then, who would like to read this
> page?

The great thing is that people with knowledge can put their knowledge
up, and people with a coherent use of English and some editing skill
can refine it.

> 2. I edited this Page by adding my message. And what if some user removes
> all messages, editing the Page to empty?

We go kill that user :)  - there is a Page History, if some user does
nasty things, we can revert back to before then.

The Yhc manual is entirely on the wiki, and its worked out great. The
Hoogle manual is also on the wiki - I wrote about 25% of it, and other
helpful people fleshed out the rest - its a great way for the
community to work together to get excellent results.



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