fromJust Nothing problem

Simon Peyton-Jones simonpj at
Tue Nov 14 12:28:22 EST 2006

Both of these messages (from Neil and Serge) suggest use debugging ideas.  Would anyone like to add them to


| Use a safe module:
| - always works, a little bit of effort (I have such a module in my
| code). You then get:
| f x = h $ fromJustNote "Foo.f" $ g x
| Use Hat: - sometimes works
| Use Catch to prove the absence of pattern match errors:
| - I'd say this
| is still too immature for anyone but me to use, but it can be useful.
| Use Yhi-stack - still unreleased, but gives out a stack trace on
| crashing. I am trying to push for this to be released soon!
| Thanks

| More about finding the source of  fromJust Nothing.
| For                  g n = fromJust $ f n,
| ghc-6.6  often looses the reference to  f  in its run-time error
| report -- when  f  returns  Nothing.
| And this is difficult to locate the source.
| But one could write
|                      g n = let  Just m = f n  in  m,
| for which GHC reports
|               Main: M1.hs:9:11-22:
|               Irrefutable pattern failed for pattern Data.Maybe.Just m
| -- it points to the source line!

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