Cabals' Paths_pkg and GHCi

Claus Reinke claus.reinke at
Tue Nov 14 06:32:18 EST 2006

> The Paths_foo.hs file is generated in a separate directory, something like 
> dist/autogen/ (I can't remember exactly, you should be able to find it).  To get 
> GHCi to find it, you'll need to pass an appropriate -i <dir> flag.

a general question about cabal and ghci:

if I have successfully loaded my project files into ghci, I've presumably
set all the right flags and paths, for ghci. 

if I have successfully created a cabal project, I've presumably
encoded all the right flags and paths, for cabal.

would it be possible to add a "cabal" command to ghci, so that
we could:

    - create a cabal file for the currently loaded project
    - load a project from a cabal file

or does this make no sense? doesn't visual haskell do something 
like that, using cabal behind the scenes?


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