HEAD: problems with suffix.mk for registerised hc-boot

Reilly Hayes rfh at reillyhayes.com
Tue May 9 14:29:44 EDT 2006

The rules in suffix.mk don't seem to work for building in $(TOP)/ 
compiler/stage1 when building from .hc files.  Make dies complaining  
that it doesn't know how to build the .o file.

The relevant rules are:

# with mangling

$(odir_)%.raw_s : %.hc
	$(CC) -x c $< -o $@ -S -O $(HC_BOOT_CC_OPTS) -I.  `echo $(patsubst - 
monly-%-regs, -DSTOLEN_X86_REGS=%, $(filter -monly-%-regs, $ 
($*_HC_OPTS))) | sed 's/^$$/-DSTOLEN_X86_REGS=4/'`

$(odir_)%.s : %.raw_s
	$(MANGLER) $< $@ $(patsubst -monly-%-regs, %, $(filter -monly-%- 
regs, $($*_HC_OPTS)))

$(odir_)%.o : %.s
	$(CC) -c -o $@ $<

The problem is that the dependency chain is broken when the source &  
build directory are different.  Assuming that .raw_s and .s files  
belong in the build directory (stage1, etc), I believe the rules  
should look like:

# with mangling

$(odir_)%.raw_s : %.hc
	$(CC) -x c $< -o $@ -S -O $(HC_BOOT_CC_OPTS) -I.  `echo $(patsubst - 
monly-%-regs, -DSTOLEN_X86_REGS=%, $(filter -monly-%-regs, $ 
($*_HC_OPTS))) | sed 's/^$$/-DSTOLEN_X86_REGS=4/'`

$(odir_)%.s : $(odir_)%.raw_s
	$(MANGLER) $< $@ $(patsubst -monly-%-regs, %, $(filter -monly-%- 
regs, $($*_HC_OPTS)))

$(odir_)%.o : $(odir_)%.s
	$(CC) -c -o $@ $<

Reilly Hayes

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